You may be anticipating a blog post giving some recommendations for a few professional texts to get under your belt this summer. While I think perusing some texts and blogs is a good idea to keep current in your literacy game, I have also taken a different look on summer reading for teachers.
During the school year, every time you try to sit down to read a “for fun” book like Gone Girl (because it’s only a matter of time before that BIG SECRET is leaked out) you just can’t seem to get to it. And if you are like me, you refuse to see the movie until you’ve read the book! Use your summer vacation to catch up on some of the reading you enjoy. While you are doing this, try out some of the work you ask your student’s to do during reading workshop and see how it can make you a better reading teacher next fall.
Reading Engagement
Take the book of your choice along with you to the beach or pool. Set a timer for 20 minutes and see if you can have “eyes on text” for the entire time—no cheating or fake reading allowed! You will begin to understand some of the difficulties with staying engaged in your book. Notice some of the coping skills you use to tune out the distractions and note them to stick into your teacher toolbox. You may be a bit more sympathetic come September when your students have a tough time building their reading stamina back up.
Reading Volume
Teachers of workshop have high expectations for the amount of time and number of books their students read. Set the bar high for yourself this summer. How many books will you read? Make time to read each day and on a calendar note how many days you actually read during that time. We expect our students to read EVERY night at home. In taking on this challenge, you will easily see how your dedicated reading time can fall by the wayside. Come up with some ways to make it happen and share those with students and parents in the fall!
Some of my personal summer recommendations
Note Taking
There are many times when teachers ask their students to stop and jot notes during their independent reading time. They have notebooks, post-its, bookmarks and all sorts of tools they use for taking good notes. Give yourself a little note taking assignment similar to one you’d give your students. Just imagine get the that part of Gone Girl where you learn about the BIG SECRET and before you know it you’ve read the next 3 chapters and the time you had for reading that day is gone. You took no notes and you actually aren’t even sure where that post-it went. These kinds of things might happen to your students too. Practice taking some notes during reading this summer so that you can predict a few problems your students might encounter during the school year and set them up for success!
Read a Challenging Book
Often times we ask students have to choose books within a certain genre and it is possible they are not too excited by it. This makes reading in the genre a challenge. Sometimes students also choose books they think are “just right” but they end up being a struggle. Choose a book this summer that is either outside your normal style or that has content you know very little about. While you are reading it, notice and note some of the strategies you are using yourself to get through this book. Add those strategies to your toolbox and you will have a refreshed list of conferring ideas come September!
Hopefully, you can use some of your “reading for enjoyment time” this summer to get great ideas to share with your students during the school year. You will also get a real sense for some of the struggles your students face in the classroom. Some of the best strategies we can teach our students are ones that we use ourselves! What will you be reading this summer?